A personal note

Many of you may wonder why, as a woman, I started Men:tal Health Getaway, which was originally designed for men.

I care.

I am blessed to have many close male friends. These male friends, and a few previous partners, have opened up to me about their mental health. It might be that they have struggled with childhood trauma including abuse, difficult past relationships in varying forms including relationship breakdown or physically or verbally abusive partners, or difficulties at work or with self-esteem. Or, it may just be the way they are unknowingly living in a less healthy way that isn’t bringing them the best life they can lead.

As I continue to read about, and observe, cultural shifts and modern findings in science, I recognise that women desperately need help equally, but differently.

It pains me to see or hear about these things and know that I can help. By nature, I’m a ‘fixer’. I’m told by many friends that I truly ‘see’ people and some of them have been surprised (based on first impressions) to know that I don’t judge. When you come on the Men:tal Health Getaway, I’ll tell you a story about judgement that has, and always will, stick with me. I will teach it to my children one day.

By judging, we close people down and never truly get to know them. Our judgements are almost always wrong and if we learned to judge less, open up more and communicate more effectively, we would find more loving, caring and forgiving people.

We are no better or worse than anyone else, we are just different.

Like our mobile phones, on the Men:tal Health Getaway, we’ll leave our judgements at the door.

So have a deeper look into the Men:tal Health Getaway and see if it resonates with you.

You’re very welcome.

Andie x

“This is the escape you’ve been waiting for.”