
Mental wellness is an important area of health that has previously been misunderstood or ignored, and was even taboo.

It’s time for change.

The mental health statistics clearly show there is a problem with our society and culture that is not being addressed, and we’re seeking to do our part to help men and women who have been overlooked, or misunderstood.

Whilst the Men:tal Health Getaway was originally designed for men, we have now opened it up to women too. We discuss the reason it was originally dedicated to men, and why it is becoming increasingly obvious that women also need an outlet.


Men are often told to ‘man up’ and that they need to be macho or strong, and that it’s weak to show their emotions. This is not only wrong, but it is actually having an extremely detrimental effect on health and wellbeing, and on society as a whole. Often men find it hard to talk about emotions and don’t have, or feel able to use, the same outlets as women.

According to mentalhealth.org.uk (2018 figures):

  • male suicide rates are 3 times higher in men than women (75% of suicides);

  • men aged 40-49 have the highest suicide rates in the UK;

  • men are nearly 3 times as likely as women to become dependent on alcohol;

  • men are 3 times as likely to report frequent drug use;

  • men account for nearly 3/4 of all adults who are missing;

  • men constitute 87% of rough sleepers;

  • men are more likely to be sectioned (compulsorily detained for treatment) than women (notably only 36% or referrals to the NHS talking therapies were for men);

  • men are more likely to be incarcerated, and make up the majority of the prison population (95%*, see below table), with high rates of mental health problems and increasing self harm;

  • men commit more violent crime than women.

* Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/women-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2019/women-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2019


The Men:tal Health Getaway has recently also been rolled out to women because we have observed recent changes in our culture that mean women now need a different level of support. Whilst women are more likely to reach out for help in times of need, it is our opinion that women’s needs are overlooked in our culture. With increasing single parent households, it is often the case that the woman is the primary, or sole, carer of dependent children. Women are becoming more likely to be the main breadwinner, or major contributor to the household income and men are no longer needed in the traditional ways to provide and protect. Some women are even finding they no longer need men to procreate, either by choice, or through difficulty in finding a partner.

As women often have no choice about needing to ‘step up’ to be the major/sole breadwinner and primary/sole carer, we are seeing mental health suffer.

More so, women are treated by society just like men. Whilst women should always be treated equally (and are not yet, according to the United Nations), our culture needs to change to recognise that women are biologically very different and have different needs, which change throughout their lifetime and throughout the month in their cycling years.

The majority of scientific experiments are conducted on men because women’s hormones add another level of complexity that is not fully understood and they present an uncontrollable variable. As a result, science, medicine and lifestyle advice is also geared towards men. Women are told that they should workout, eat and live their lives just like men. Yet recent studies on women’s biological needs is saying something very different and current guidance on lifestyle choices can actually be very damaging to their health, including their mental health and fertility.

At the Men:tal Health Getaway, we tailor our discussions accordingly, but always discuss the needs of both men and women so that we can share a new mutual understanding of each other, which helps in all types of life’s relationships.

The time for change is now…

Whilst you, or a person in your life, may not feature in the above statistics, we think they show that there is a wider problem that needs addressing. We’ve created the Men:tal Health Getaway as a safe space for men and women to come and explore. You don’t have to open up; you’re welcome to just observe and listen. We’re here for you, whatever stage you’re at, whenever you’re ready. No questions, no judgement, just fun, with like-minded people in a safe, friendly, growth environment.

We know it isn’t all in your head…

Western Medicine sees mental health issues as ‘being in your head’ and largely uses talking therapies, or even medication, as a remedy. Whilst these can be helpful, we know that mental health issues go far deeper than just the ruminations of our minds and they have multiple underlying causes that are not yet recognised. For example, depression can be caused by exposure to environmental toxins such a mould. We are looking to revolutionise the way mental health is understood and therefore treated, globally.

We also believe that ‘fighting fire with fire’ is rarely effective. Only 1/3 of people fully respond to talking therapies. So what about the other 2/3?

Revolutionise your mental health…

That is why we share all 11 aspects of health and wellness and the speedy, simple tools you can use to hack your body, mind and life. These can be used on a daily basis, and be applied for your future. This Men:tal Health Getaway will help you to revolutionise your mental health and set you up for a happier, healthier, fitter life. When applied fully, we guarantee this information will fully equip and support you, for now and the rest of your being. What’s more, when you share these tools with those around you, it will also revolutionise the lives of your friends, family and precious progeny.

So why not see what happens on these Men:tal Health Getaways…

“This is the escape you’ve been waiting for.”