Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

When you book and pay for your Mental Health Getaway (MHG), you are accepting the following terms:

You confirm you are at least 18 years of age.

Medical and mental health conditions

Mental Health Getaway are not a medical, mental health or psychiatric facility.  We do not cater for those with addictions or those in rehab.  We solely provide guidance on natural ways to support mental and physical health to individuals that do not require more specific specialised care.  We do not provide treatment for any mental or physical illness.  Failure to inform us of any mental or physical illness may result in us asking you to leave the Getaway.  No refunds will be given in this instance.

Severe mental health problems

If you suffer from severe mental health problems, we are unlikely to be able to support you due to insufficiently trained staff.  If it becomes apparent prior to, or during, the Getaway that we cannot cater for your needs, we will ask you to reconsider your attendance and provide a partial refund, in accordance with our cancellation policy.  In this regard, if you are at all unsure whether this is an appropriate Getaway for you, please get in touch before booking so that we can discuss your needs and avoid any disappointment.

Personal fitness

You confirm you are fit to attend personal fitness sessions that will include exertion.  If you are not fit enough, it is your responsibility to notify us at the time of booking, or at the latest at the time of the activity.  We will take no responsibility for any injury incurred as a result of you taking part in any activities.  These are undertaken at your own risk.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are physically well enough to attend the Getaways, and this may include a discussion with your medical practitioner prior to booking, or attending.

Mental Health Getaway will not be held responsible for any medical expenses incurred as a result of your attendance and participation.

Personal needs and access requirements

You understand that you are requested not to bring your own food and drinks to the Getaway,  In all cases, alcohol and other substances including cigarettes, vapes and illegal drugs are not permitted.  This is because we want you to feel the benefit of the clean living that we offer at the Getaway.

It is possible that you will feel unwell during the weekend because the food provided is organic and clean (made from scratch without additives, preservatives, colourants, pesticides, fertilisers or certain common allergens and toxins) and this may not be the kind of diet you are accustomed to.  This may have a possible detoxification effect on your body.  In this regard, you may experience withdrawal symptoms as your body cleanses and toxins are released.  This may include headaches, nausea, tiredness and any other detoxification symptoms.  These are normal and will pass.

You must notify us of all known allergies, intolerances and dietary requirements at the time of booking by email to info@mentalhealthgetaway.com.  Should we be unable to cater for you, we will contact you to discuss this.  If your requirements are significant, we reserve the right to make an additional charge to cater for your needs.

Disabilities and specific requirements

If you have a disability, access issue or any other need, please do not hesitate to get in touch on info@mentalhealthgetaway.com and we will do our best to support you.

Depending on the location of the getaway, it is possible that you may need to climb stairs for overnight stays.  Please contact us if this will be an issue for you.  We will endeavour to cater for everyone.

Activities and speakers

Mental Health Getaway endeavour to provide the best service possible and deliver all activities and speakers advertised.  It is possible that a speaker may not be able to attend, or an activity may not be able to go ahead, which is out of the control of MHG.  In this case, MHG will do its best to replace that speaker, or activity, or provide a substitute in their place.  There will be no refunds.

MHG will provide the accommodation described where possible.  Should the accommodation be cancelled, MHG will do its best to provide accommodation of a similar standard, subject to availability.  MHG may offer an alternative date if alternative accommodation is not available.

Accommodation, activities, speakers and services are often supplied by 3rd parties who are not agents, employees, or subcontractors of MHG.  As such, MHG is not to be held responsible, or liable, for their actions, or omissions, and will not be held liable in the event of loss of personal property or personal injury whilst participating in any activity.

Personal conduct

You confirm you take responsibility for your own actions at the Getaways.  Attendance at the Getaways is at your own risk.  The providers will do all they can to ensure any risk of injury is minimised, however the providers cannot be held responsible for your own actions.

MHG hires exclusive accommodation for the Getaways and reserves the right to charge you for any damages, breakages or spillages incurred by you either by accident, negligence or for any other reason.

If we believe that you are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at the Getaway, or are putting yourself or others at harm, the police may be called and you will be asked to leave with immediate effect. Please note that if you are in breach of this agreement and you have been asked to leave, no refund will be given for the cost of the Getaway or any treatments booked.

If you damage anything at the property, or that is the property of MHG, we reserve the right to charge you for any remediation required.  On booking, you accept these terms.


In order to fully benefit from the weekend, we request you attend for the duration.  If you choose to arrive after the start of the Getaway, or leave early before the end, MHG will not refund any unused night’s accommodation or payment for treatments pre-booked.

One of the features of the Getaway is a digital detox.  In this regard, you will surrender your mobile phone/s, tablets, laptops, computers and other devices at the start of the Getaway.  These will be held under lock and key by MHG until the end of the Getaway.  Alternatively, you can leave these locked in your car and we request that you do not access them.  This is clearly up to you, however you will not feel the full benefit of the Getaway unless you fully participate in this way.

We will provide you with an emergency contact number to give to your next of kin in the event they need to contact you urgently.

Inclusion and gender identification

Mental Health Getaway is an inclusive organisation.  We do not discriminate at all, on any basis.  However, we do operate Getaways for men only and women only.  Please do not be offended by this.

The reason we separate out the binary sexes is because of the content of our Getaways in which we discuss human psychology and behaviours based on sex-specific hormone signalling and sex-specific hormone profiling.  Whilst everyone is different, and we are all on a spectrum of something, we believe sex-specifics can have an impact on behaviour, and alters communication styles, relationship roles and many other aspects.

If you identify as non-binary or are transgender, please do get in touch to see how we can help you.  If we have enough interest, we would be delighted to host a Getaway for people who identify as non-binary or transgender and we welcome your thoughts on how best to do this.


MHG will send the exact address of the accommodation at least 14 days before the event.

We will endeavour to offer you the accommodation you request, however if this room is unavailable, we reserve the right to offer you the next best alternative.  The price will be adjusted accordingly.

You will not be required to share a bedroom with someone unknown to you, unless you request to do so to reduce costs.  In this case, we will do our best to find another person to share the bedroom, however we cannot promise this.  We will not be held liable for any annoyances, clashes of personality or any other issues that cause you to be unhappy sharing with this person and we may be unable to offer alternative accommodation should any problems arise.

Sharing rooms

If you opt to take a shared room, you and your selected co-sharer must book together, at the same time and notify us by email to info@mentalhealthgetaway.com.  This is not an option for people wanting to be placed with someone they do not know.  You must book at the same time as the other occupant.  Please ensure you select the ‘shared occupancy’ option, not the ‘sole occupancy’ option.


You understand that MHG may take photos and videos as part of its service to you.  These photos and videos will be used as marketing/public relations/advertising material for promotion purposes.


Prices are in GBP (Great British Pound).  Prices are subject to change without notice.  Prices are as quoted on the day that payment is taken and the booking is confirmed.  Any subsequent change in price, including a reduction in price, will not be refunded to any parties.


If you have paid a deposit, the remaining balance of the ticket price must be paid within 45 days of the Getaway.


Refunds on cancellation are as follows:

- cancellation 45 days, or more, before the event: 50% refund of total cost (the 50% deposit will be fully retained if cancelled);

- cancellation within 45 days before the event: no refund due to administrative, accommodation, food and staff costs. 

If there is another date for a Getaway planned, we will do our best to accommodate you on an alternative date instead of cancelling, however it is at our discretion.  This will depend on numbers of attendees already booked and availability of accommodation.  However, we cannot guarantee this as an option and the above standard cancellation policy will apply.  Please contact us about this.

We recommend you take out travel insurance to cover the cost of cancellation.

Notification of your wish to cancel must be provided in writing, via email to info@mentalhealthgetaway.com.  Cancellation is not effective until you have received a written confirmation.

However, should you wish someone else to attend in your place, MHG are happy to change the name of the booking for the same date and room, with no additional charge.  Please notify us in writing to the above email address.  You must make arrangements to transfer funds between yourselves.

If MHG need to cancel the event, which will always be due to events outside of our control, we will endeavour to offer you an alternative date within a reasonable period of time.  Otherwise, we will provide a full refund.  We will be unable to cover any travel costs already booked, and again, we recommend purchasing travel insurance at the time of booking the Getaway.

MHG will not be held liable for any cancellation as a result of the following, since booking your Getaway:

-          You becoming unwell, including diagnosis of cancer and other such conditions;

-          You, or your partner, becoming pregnant;

-          Adverse weather conditions;

-          Changes in personal circumstance, including financial;

-          Travel complications.

In the unlikely event that insufficient attendees are booked onto a Getaway within 30 days of the start, we will offer an alternative date, or full refund.

Legal Disclaimer

The Getaway is not run by doctors, medically trained, or mental health professionals.

The Getaway and training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment.

Please consult your medical professional before attending the Getaway and making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care.

Mental Health Getaway always recommends seeking appropriate medical advice.

No responsibility will be taken for your actions as a result of attending this Getaway or reading this website.

The content of this website is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as a substitute for trained medical or mental health advice, diagnosis or treatment

Any testimonials and case studies are provided as examples only, and not guarantees or warranties of success.

Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ and therefore your results may vary. There is no guarantee of success.

On booking and attending this course, it is deemed that you have read and accept these terms.

We look forward to hosting you at Mental Health Getaway and are available by email to answer any questions on info@mentalhealthgetaway.com