
“I honestly feel like I would have been closer to giving up if it wasn’t for you.”

Christian, Bristol, 44

“I'm incredibly grateful to the team for their support in helping me navigate through hugely challenging stages in my life, career and personal relationships and how crucial it was to have invested in a healthier mind and body to allow this to happen.”

Christian, Bristol, 44

“With [Mental Health Getaway’s] advice, training and techniques I have more energy, enthusiasm, focus, positivity and willingness to not just survive the day but really make the most of it…”

Chris, West Country, 45

“You understand me in ways that no-one else does.”

Steven, Gloucestershire, 29

“Thank you for making me feel less isolated in this world. I’m so grateful.”

Steve, Cotswolds, 30

“Something I notice with you is that you genuinely care about people. I think you actually feel things from other people, which is nice.”

Rich, Marlow, 45

“This is the escape you’ve been waiting for.”