Services & pricing

We have two types of services:

Individual help

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For an individualised approach, or if you cannot wait until one of the Getaways, why not arrange a chat with us.

We are not a therapy service, but we do offer

  • an assessment

  • information on how to improve mental health

  • coaching on improving mental health

We offer the following appointment types and recommend you book them in order, starting with a free, no obligation 20 minute chat:

  1. an initial free, no obligation 20 minute chat (free)

  2. coaching appointments* (45 minutes, £89), where there are not signs of serious, significant mental health problems. You will receive:

    • an outlet for your concerns - you will have the opportunity to discuss all that you are dealing with in life and how it is making you feel

    • coping strategies

    • a plan of action

    • a review of progress and how you’re doing

    • further appointments may involve a revised protocol to introduce new approaches

  3. full review of underlying root cause of more serious, significant mental health conditions and remediation (£949) through the use of a comprehensive health questionnaire. You will receive:

    • a full personalised mental health review package, comprised of:

      • an initial on-boarding session including:

        - an extensive review of your 22-page health questionnaire (which we’ll send in response to your appointment request)

        - up to 1 hour consultation to discuss your health, wellness and lifestyle concerns (including any questions you may have)

        - a plan of action (prepared in follow-up to the call)

        - identification of any lab tests required (we try to avoid these in the first instance as they are often unnecessary and can waste money)

      • PLUS: a follow up appointment of up to 45 minutes, including:

        - a review of progress and protocols issued after the initial on-boarding session

        - to introduce new plans, where required

        - identification of any lab tests required (as above)

        - to review any test results.

      • further follow-up appointments of up to 45 minutes (£120)

      • a quick 15-minute check-in to ask further questions (£35)

* Please note that coaching is not appropriate where the cause of mental health concerns goes deep, including drug use (such as psychedelics), medications, diet, lifestyle and toxicity. In order to properly assess the root causes and provide the most effective treatment, we may recommend a more thorough investigation, being our full review (no. 3 above), for which you will complete a comprehensive questionnaire.

Please note that full payment is required prior to your consultation.

For individual help, please complete the form below and we will be in touch to arrange it:

Group getaways

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For a fun group Getaway, you also have two options:

Come along and meet new contacts

If you’d prefer, you’re very welcome to come on your own to one of our pre-organised Getaways and make new contacts.

You will share the fabulous experience of this Getaway with like-minded men or women and make a new support network, which you can call on in times of need.

Refer to Getaways for planned events, pricing and availability.

Bring a group of friends

If you have a group of trusted friends, we encourage you to come together for a bespoke Getaway.

You will be able to strengthen existing support networks during your getaway, which you can call on afterwards in times of need.

Please enquire for bespoke Getaways with your friends in which you can choose your preferred dates.

Pricing varies based on your requirements and room availability.

For a group getaway, please either book one of the events on the Getaways page, or complete the form below to enquire about other dates.

Tell us your preferred dates and group format. We’ll contact you and set it all up for you.

If you do not yet know dates, or your group set up, no worries, just complete the ‘enquiry’ form and we’ll get back to you.

How much does this exclusive experience cost? Getaways start from £750 pp based on 2 sharers. Check out the planned Getaways for exact costs.

By clicking ‘submit’ on the below form you are not committing to anything at this stage.

“This is the escape you’ve been waiting for.”