What you get

You get…

  • Group Transformational Life Coaching sessions – applicable to your career, personal relationships, finances, health (both mental and physical), and happiness;

  • Novel teachings. We discuss the basis for poor mental health and how to improve it with practical, actionable steps. This is not just about trying to change the way you think about something. We explain the other aspects that could be working against you that the medical and mental health professionals don't consider.

  • Understand the building blocks for optimal mental health including nutrition, environment, movement, sleep, rest and psychology. Our USP: we explain a critical missing piece in the quest to tackle mental health: why mental health isn't 'all in your head'

  • Fun, diverse, practical, actionable steps and techniques to support you on a daily basis and for moving forward

  • A better understanding of yourself, your needs, and your wants

  • We facilitate you in setting out your life goals

  • Guided action planning to gain insight into what is working in your life and what you want to change; how to move forward and change your life to achieve your dreams and goals

  • Learn practical risk management tips to enable yourself to facilitate change in your life

  • Information, talks and group discussions

  • Learn about nutrition and toxicity – we address the importance of food and our environment as a driver of all physical and mental wellness, and illness, debunk food myths, discuss the gut-brain axis, immunity, eating, and sleep and show how you can hack your body and mind for peak performance

  • Engaging and fun group fitness (Calisthenics or HIIT) sessions with a dedicated personal fitness coach. Learn how to use your own body weight to work out anywhere, with no equipment, to strengthen and define your physique and get the body you desire;

  • Rest and relaxation – remind yourself why, and how to have downtime

  • Time away to gain space from media, mobile phones, incessant notifications, partners, children, family, and work

  • Intimate groups of 4-12 people

  • Fun games like pool, board games and so much more!

  • Relaxing massage (pre-booking required, additional fee of £ 60 for 1 hour)



  • Life balance – we’ll use tried and tested techniques to achieve invaluable perspective

  • Personal goals – with a new understanding of what is and isn’t working for you, we help you to find direction, set out achievable action plans to succeed, and make real your dream life

  • Tools to success – we work with you to help you understand yourself, find effective coping strategies, and build a lasting foundation for future resilience

  • Nutrition and toxicity – we address the importance of food and our environment as a driver of all physical and mental wellness, and illness, debunk food myths, discuss the gut-brain axis, immunity, eating, and sleep and show how you can hack your body and mind for peak performance

  • Functional medicine – we introduce the future of medicine, a more effective and lasting approach to health and wellness using cutting-edge science to help your body function every day.


Come away…

  • Happier, healthier, and fitter and you’ll truly love your life, which will transform your mental health!

  • Feeling relaxed, refreshed, energised, clear and enthusiastic about life again

  • Knowing the building blocks for mental health – practical, actionable steps and techniques, none of the wishy-washy BS

  • With a better understanding of yourself, your needs and wants

  • An action plan for moving forward in your life, career, personal relationships, finances, health (both mental and physical), and happiness goals

  • Innovative risk management strategies

  • Group session with a Transformational Life Coach

  • 3 nights exclusive accommodation in a luxury setting with crisp, fresh sheets and fluffy towels

  • ‘Hand-outs to health’ notes

  • A more fulfilling career in which you feel appreciated

  • Be happier

  • More robust mental health

  • Stronger, more understanding and communicative relationships

  • Better, deeper and more restful sleep

  • Have a healthier and fitter body, with fewer illnesses

  • 100% organic, delicious, clean, nutritionally balanced food (we explain why), freshly prepared on-site by our own personal chef

  • All meals and snacks provided

  • Teas, coffee and snacks

  • Treat hamper included with snacks, pure skin products, discounts, and much more

  • Have a complete change of scene to reset and refocus

  • Get away from your responsibilities and just be you for a long weekend

  • Complimentary parking