Why are you trusting the Government with this? 🧠

Well, no-one won the brownie points!  🍫  Had someone risen to our challenge to name all the artists of the song titles in our last newsletter, I genuinely would have baked and sent you some delicious, healthy brownies.  It’s just a little fun that we have at our Getaways.  Never mind, maybe next time. 😊

Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week (Monday 15th to Sunday 21st May) and so for this newsletter I thought we’d come back to mental health as a whole.  We’ll return to our building blocks and tools for good mental health soon.

Mental Health Getaway often run a talk about how mental health is not all in your head, and we just wanted to remind you of this general theme to mark Mental Health Awareness week.  As you can see from the below slide from this talk, poor mental health is caused by many different things, and the primary cause is poor gut health.  As Hippocrates (the Father of Modern Medicine, whom we discussed last time) said, all disease starts in the gut.  This is also true of poor mental health.

Mental health concerns are often due to brain inflammation.  Brain inflammation arises from bodily inflammation, which in turn arises from gut inflammation, or ‘leaky gut’.

The term leaky gut is yet to be adopted by the NHS, but is very much a widely used term in the scientific world these days.  I would say most people have some level of leaky gut.  It arises from poor diets, ultra-processed foods (like pre-made food/ready meals, pizza, cake, biscuits, baked items, ice cream etc), taking medications, ingesting/absorbing/breathing in chemicals, stress, and many other things, as detailed in the slide below.

The black text in the slide shows the causes of poor mental health that are proposed to be managed by the current treatment methods of talking therapy and medication.  The red text shows the causes of poor mental health that are not targeted by the current treatment methods at all.  In fact, medication mostly exacerbates many causes of poor mental health, especially as it can damage the gut and misaligns the natural balance in the human body.

This is why Mental Health Getaway exists.  We do mental health differently. 

These influences aren’t new; however, they have worsened due to our modern stressful lifestyles, the introduction of 100,000 new chemicals in the 1970s, and worsening food practices like non-organic produce, the addition of pesticides, processing and leaching of nutrients.  It’s no wonder we’re more and more sick, both physically and mentally.  Something has got to give, and unfortunately it is you.

On our Getaways, we talk about how to reduce the impact of these causes and manage exposure.  We also offer separate 1-2-1 advice where people need help sooner or want a more affordable option or require a more personalised approach to their specific situation.

Let’s talk about Mental Health

In aid of Mental Health Awareness Week we will be giving this same talk entitled Mental Health: It’s Not All in Your Head, for free, by going live on Facebook on Wednesday 17th at 7-8pm.  If you’d like to join, you’ll be able to find us on the new Mental Health Getaway Facebook page, or follow this link.  Please do ‘like’ and ‘follow’ us to help broaden our message and reach more people.

Proud partners

Speaking of eating well and good mental health, we are delighted to announce our partnership with Bristol Garden Kitchen (BGK) who offer a bespoke catering service.  BGK is run by Ash Bennett who is an experienced chef and wellness coach with over 20 years’ industry experience.  He is passionate about self-improvement, eating well for better physical and mental health, energy, concentration and self-esteem.  BGK aim to facilitate healthy food choices, spread the word that ‘treats’ can also be healthy. Combining the cooking skills from working in award winning restaurants with nutrition coaching knowledge, demonstrating that cooking nutritious and delicious meals is not only possible, but also accessible to all.

We are so proud to have Ash as our caterer at our Getaways.  You can check out, and order, his delicious food here.

Your money or your life?

At a recent talk I gave, I asked an audience whether they trusted the Government with their money, to which they laughed.  😂  I responded with “…so why are you trusting them with your health!?”

Until Wednesday, we wish you a happy Mental Health Awareness Week.

Well wishes,

Andie. x


The shocking reasons why talking therapy isn’t working! 🤯


This one thing can both cause and relieve anxiety! 🎶