Did you know this can lead to anxiety and depression…?
Mental Health Professionals tell us it’s all in our heads but we already debunked this myth when we did our talk: “Mental health: it’s not all in your head”…
Coronavirus: the curse against connectivity.
In our government’s choice of response to the disease, being for all people to hide away from it, I believe we’ve replaced the sickness that only some people would have experienced, with a sickness rife in the entire population. What is this sickness…?
Wow! This sh*t really works!!!
…even if I do say so myself! Today I was feeling really low and got into a spiral of negative self-talk, over-thinking, overwhelm and ‘busy brain’. It was awful! Truth be told, I even had the ‘I don’t even want to be here anymore’, thoughts. I decided I had to take some of my own ‘medicine’ and put into practice some of the techniques that I teach.