Wow! This sh*t really works!!!

…even if I do say so myself! Today I was feeling really low and got into a spiral of negative self-talk, over-thinking, overwhelm and ‘busy brain’. It was awful! Truth be told, I even had the ‘I don’t even want to be here anymore’, thoughts (the Coronavirus measures has been tough for someone in my personal situation). I decided I had to take some of my own ‘medicine’ and put into practice some of the techniques that I teach.

Wow! What a difference! It really didn’t take long to completely change my attitude. Here’s how I did it…

I chose a few of the techniques from the list of tools I give on my workshops and put them into practice. Some techniques are better suited to different situations.

First, I meditated in the sun. I used a brain-quietening meditation because my brain has been so busy and I needed a break from it. Ha ha, I needed a break from my own brain! It must have been bad! Then, when I was ready, after about 20-30 minutes, I put on a special kind of music (we’ll teach you about this when you come on our Men:tal Health Getaway). Then, I completely changed focus and moved… in this case, I did some vigorous vacuuming! Ha ha. It’s quite therapeutic actually and got a job ticked off at the same time.

It might take a bit of initial, ‘activation’ energy, but once I’d taken action and control over a few things, I was so motivated that I went on to be able to do some much bigger tasks that were making me feel overwhelmed and that I was dreading, and now I’m on fire! Go me!!!

If you want to know more about these, and the many other techniques that we teach, and be able to feel better, by yourself, instantly, then hit the ‘enquire’ button. We can always set up a chat on the phone if you want to know more before signing up.

Well wishes,

Andie x


Coronavirus: the curse against connectivity.